The Combat Center showed its true colors Saturday when hundreds of runners, donning pristine white clothing, were bombarded by a kaleidoscope of colored powder during Condor Elementary School’s first 5 kilometer Color Run.
The run was held at the Combat Center’s Physical Fitness Test track Feb. 28 and hosted Marines, sailors and family members as runners and volunteers.
“We had more than 500 people show up to participate this year,” said Brianna Chandler, noon supervisor, Condor Elementary. “We had volunteers from [1st Battalion 7th Marines] come to help put on the run and families from the school come to participate.”
The course utilized the PFT track that runs along Del Valle Road and Adobe Road. According to Chandler, the colored powder used during the event was colored cornstarch, because it is biodegradable and wouldn’t damage any of the vehicle displays along the track.
“We set up color stations along the course to throw [colored cornstarch] into the air for the runners to go through,” said 1st Sgt. Jairo Fredonis, Weapons Company, 1/7.
The school has been planning the fundraiser since October.
“All the money raised from the run will help pay for pencils, paper, and materials for projects,” Fredonis said.
Condor Elementary plans on making this color run grow into an annual fundraiser for the school. New ideas are being developed to improve the event that already brought in more than 500 participants.