Twentynine Palms, Ca. -- Marine Corps Tactics and Operations Group hosted their annual softball tournament at Felix Field, March 26, 2016.
“The softball games are primarily used as a fundraiser for the Marine Corps ball,” said Sgt. Hillary Aguirre, tournament coordinator, MCTOG. “This is the biggest fundraiser our unit holds and it brings in the most profit for the ball.”
The tournament is open to any units aboard the base as well as civilians who can form their own team and are interested in participating. This year’s tournament included 10 teams from eight different units. At a maximum number of 15 players per team, with a 10 dollar admission fee for each player, the bulk of MCTOG’s proceeds are generated through admission fees as well as food sold during the day-long event.
“Our tournament lines up perfectly with the intermural softball season that’s about to start for the base,” Aguirre said. “A lot of teams use this tournament to gauge their competition for the start of the installation’s season.”
During the first three hours of the tournament, each team got a chance to play in the tournament. For the rest of the day the winning team of each game faced one other until a winner came out victorious.
“This is my first time playing in the MCTOG softball tournament,” said Staff Sgt. ShannonLee Martinez, instructor, Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School. “It’s a good way for people who don’t work together to get out, have some fun and make connections with each other.”
According to Aguirre, the tournament was a good way to bring members from different units together and have them engage in some friendly competition. At the end of the tournament team Random Jerseys took gold, receiving a plaque in recognition of their victory.
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