
Combat Center School Liaison

Twentynine Palms Logo
Twentynine Palms, California
Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command and Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center

headshot of School Liaison Officer Lorraine Miller-Nara

The School Liaison Program identifies and coordinates community resources to reduce the impact of the mobile military lifestyle on military school-age children and families. The program provides a wide array of services, working directly with the command, families, school districts, and local communities to promote the highest level of academic success for military children and their families.

The School Liaison office can connect you with school resources and points of contact, provide referrals, and provide information on

  • school options, services and programs.

  • registration requirements.

  • school calendars/schedules.

  • extracurricular activities and sports.

  • testing requirements.

  • course and graduation requirements.

  • before and after school programs.

  • school selection while in temporary housing.

  • transportation.

Phone: 760-830-1574
Location: Bldg 1417

Stay up to date! Follow us for the latest news about about events and important school information.

School Liaisons provide a thread of continuity between different Marine Corps duty stations. If you're expecting orders, the School Liaison at your next assignment can provide information on local schools and area services.

Download our PCS brochure that contains moving checklists for both parents and children, and a mini school liaison directory.

The Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission (MIC3) addresses key educational transition issues encountered by military families and serves as a resource for a smooth transition, providing beneficial information on state profiles and more.

MIC3 Information Sheet (PDF)

MIC3 Guide for Parents (PDF)

Morongo Unified School District
The Combat Center is served by a single school district, MUSD. Currently, the district has 11 elementary schools, two middle schools, two comprehensive high schools, one continuation high school, two state preschool programs and a special education preschool program. Striving to meet the needs of a diverse student body, the District provides a wide array of programs, including special educations, English Language Learners Program, athletics, advance placement, GATE, and many others.

Twentynine Palms 

29 Palms ElementaryCondor ElementaryOasis ElementaryPalm Vista Elementary29 Palms Junior High29 Palms High School

Joshua Tree

Friendly Hills ElementaryJoshua Tree Elementary

Yucca Valley

Onaga ElementaryYucca Mesa ElementaryYucca Valley ElementaryLa Contenta Middle SchoolYucca Valley High SchoolBlack Rock High School


Landers Elementary

Morongo Valley

Morongo Valley Elementary

Morongo Unified School District also offers a number of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and opportunities through the Academy for College and Career Excellence (AC2E). AC2E provides quality, hands-on training programs to high school students and adults and prepares students to be career ready, technically skilled and academically prepared. Course content is validated by local business advisory committees, reflecting current industry standards. Additional information on AC2E available here:

Adults wishing to enroll in courses must complete Live Scan fingerprinting and TB test. Adults interested in enrolling in a CTE program, please contact Christy Bong, CTE Specialist at ACCE, by phone (760) 228-1162 or email

Military families interested in AC2E but whose students are not yet enrolled in Morongo Unified School District, please contact Shanna Valenzuela, Administrative Assistant at ACCE, by phone (760) 228-1162 or email

Twentynine Palms High School and Yucca Valley High School students, please contact your school counselor with questions or next steps for enrollment. 

AC2E Programs-open to Adults and High-School Students:
•    911 Communications Dispatcher
•    Private Security Guard
•    Cyber Security
•    Unmanned Aircraft Systems
•    Pharmacy Technician
•    Registered Dental Assistant

AC2E Programs-High School Students only:
•    Criminal Justice
•    Early Childhood Development
•    Culinary Arts
•    Medical Assistant

Palm Springs Area Schools
Are you planning on living in the lower desert? Palm Springs Unified School District serves Desert Hot Springs, Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Thousand Palms and Rancho Mirage with 25 schools.

Private Schools
Joshua Springs Christian School - Yucca Valley
Xavier College Preparatory High School - Palm Desert

Preschool & Kindergarten Programs
Twentynine Palms Head Start Program
San Bernardino County Preschool Services Department

After School Programs
Armed Services YMCA
MCCS Child & Youth Programs
Twentynine Palms Parks & Recreation
Joshua Tree Parks & Recreation
Yucca Valley Parks & Recreation

Military families with orders to California are now able to enroll in school, pre-register in courses and apply for special programs at the same time as their peers, prior to arriving to the state. Click on the link below to access online enrollment for our local school district.

MUSD Remote Enrollment

Remote Enrollment FAQs

Remote Enrollment Fact Sheet


The Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) and Marine Corps Community Services are facilitating various educational programs designed to support local homeschooling families. Programs include college information and preparedness, library resources, personal financial management, and a year-round, bi-weekly physical fitness program.

These effective and engaging educational programs directly support the children of our mobile military families.

Combat Center Homeschool Resources K-12 (PDF)
Homeschooling 101 (PDF)

Homeschooling Programs

California Virtual Academies
Desert Learning Academy
DoD Education Activity Virtual High School
K-12 Online Education Programs and Schooling


Twentynine Palms Home Educators
Private Schools and Schooling at Home - CA Dept of Education
Homeschool Laws by State
Homeschool Options by State (PDF)

Morongo Unified School District Resources

MUSD Child Welfare & Attendance
MUSD Family Involvement
MUSD Immunization Flyer
MUSD Instructional Services
MUSD Special Education Services

California State Resources

California Accountability Model & School Dashboard
California Department of Education
California Department of Education Gifted & Talented Education
California K-12 Immunization Requirements
California School Recognition Program
California Schools Data & Statistics
Every Student Succeeds Act
Local Control Funding Formula

Military Family Resources

Homeschool Association for Military Families
Impact Aid - Us Dept of Education
Military Child Education Coalition
Military Family Network™
Military Impacted Schools Association
Military OneSource
National Military Family Association
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society - 29 Palms
School Quest
Tutor.Com Learning Suite

Marine & Family Programs at the Combat Center

American Red Cross of 29 Palms
ASYMCA Twentynine Palms
Behavioral Health - MCCS 29 Palms
Family Care - MCCS 29 Palms
FOCUS - MCCS 29 Palms
Marine Corps Family Team Building - MCCS 29 Palms

Bullying Resources

Bullying Resources for Military Connected Students
How To Bullyproof Your Child
My Child is Being Bullied, What Can I Do?
Understanding School Violence: Fact Sheet

Is college in your future?

Is college in your child’s future? Let us know!

Students considering college should meet with their school counselor during their junior and senior years in order to plan for their schooling beyond high school. The counselor can provide them with important information on testing, fields of study, colleges, financial aid, scholarships, and more.

We've put together some resources to get you started.

College Prep and Search

The College Board
Free Sat/Act Prep Software
Peterson's Guide to Colleges & Universities 
US Dept of Education Database of Accredited Colleges
US Dept of Education Student Resources

Financial Aid & Scholarship Resources

Education Center - MCCS 29 Palms 
FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid 
Fallen Patriots Scholarships & Grants Information 
Federal Student Aid for Military Families
Military Child Education Coalition
Military Scholarship Finder
Scholarships for Military Children
VA Benefits


School Liaison Directory

Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms