The Center Magazine Area’s (CMA) complex and technical mission is to Receive, Inspect, Certify, Conduct Maintenance and Repackage, Safely Store, Transportation, and Issue all Ground and Aviation ammunition and explosives (A&E) in support of all training aboard the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center. This includes supporting all local and visiting units, Joint and Foreign Service level training, Service level research and development testing. In addition the Center Magazine Area also supports all large scale exercises such as Eagle Talon, Steel Knight, Iron Fist, Javelin Thrust, Desert FireX, and Mojave Viper/ITX and White Space training.
Support to other DOD, Federal, and foreign service components is subject to storage availability and must be coordinated in advance.
Monday - Thursday: 0730-1630
Friday: Closed for internal maintenance and training (service by exception)
*Holiday Closures: Duty available 24/7 for un-staging of issues and prestaging of turn-in’s
The Center Magazine area is not an authorized Safe Haven. The closest authorized facility is Fallbrook or Seal Beach.
Secure holding operations are authorized at the discretion of the supporting activity OIC based on facility availability. It is not intended for supported units to stage assets at the supporting activity for the execution of multi-day training evolutions.
Officer in Charge
Center Magazine Area
BLDG 2205 Del Valle Rd
Marine Air Ground Task Force Training
Command Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center
29 Palms, California 92278
Officer in Charge
760-830-4879 |
760-830-3601 |
Operations Officer
760-830-4511 |
760-830-3600 |
Ground Operations
Air Operations
Records Supervisor
Records Chief
Ground Records
Air Records
Issues Supervisor
760-830-4203 |
Issues Chief
760-830-4203 |
Storage Supervisor
760-830-3486 |
Storage Chief
760-830-3486 |
Segregations Chief
760-830-3486 |
QA Inspector
760-830-3486 |
Platoon Sergeant
760-830-6116 |
760-830-6116 |
Day: 760-830-7382
Night: 760-830-4203 |
Maintenance Chief
760-830-3484 |
ECC Representative
760-830-6116 |
A NAVMC 11797 is required for all supported units requisitioning ammunition from Class V(W) supporting activities. Under no circumstances shall ammunition be issued to a unit without a current NAVMC 11797 on file at the supporting activity.
Forecasting is the formal method for supported units to identify and communicate their future training plans and ammunition requirements to the supporting activity and enables supporting ammunition storage activities the ability to exercise capacity management to meet forecasted demands.
Forecasting to Marine Corps and Army installations is conducted at the DoDAAC level in TAMIS. The lockout is computed using the current month, plus one month for Marine Corps supporting activities, and plus two months for Army activities. Forecasting to Navy installations may be accomplished via naval message or Military Standard Requisition and Issue Procedures. Navy installations require a 45 calendar day lead time.
Due to forecasting requirements and transportation costs, an ASP may deny an ammunition request if the assets are not available or the request was not properly forecasted and remaining stocks are allocated for other forecasted requirements based on operational priorities.
Commanding officers of requisitioning activities are responsible for the accurate assignment of priority designators consistent with F/AD's authorized by higher authority, the existing urgency of need, and the validity of the required delivery dates when assigned.
Priority 13 – 5 days or greater.
Priority 06 – 3 to 5 days
Priority 03* – Less than 72 hours
* 03 priority request must be validated by the Commanding Officer of the requesting unit as well as Command Staff aboard MCAGCC
Priority of issue shall be based on Condition Code sequence of B, C, and A, followed by oldest and smallest lots. Supported unit and supporting activity shall make every attempt to round to unit pack when possible.
Unforcasted requests will be filled by exception based on prior coordination and asset availability.
To prevent possible delays in training, units are encouraged to pick-up and prestage issues 24 to 48 hours prior to the training event. This requires advanced coordination to ensure space availability.
Unit issues arrival time is between 0730 and 1000. Supported unit Ammunition Technicians/Handlers must check in with the vehicle inspector upon arrival at the ASP. Units arriving at the ASP after 1000 will have the Issue assessed by the Operations Chief and/or RSSI Chief to determine whether the issue can be processed before 1300 on the same day. If the issue cannot be completed by 1300, the supported unit will be required to pick-up the request on the next business day.
Units must make every effort to arrive by 1000.
Requests to receive ammo outside of this time window must be coordinated with CMA Operations before the e581 will be accepted in Total Ammunition Management Information System (TAMIS). Units failing to arrive before 1000 will have their respective MSC contacted. Units that have not arrived within 30 minutes of their requested pickup time on their TAMIS request, will receive a discrepancy report (DISREP).
Vehicle properly inspected with DD Form 626.
It is the units responsibility to have already conducted a vehicle inspection prior to dispatching the vehicle.
Ammunition personnel performing inspections of both empty and loaded conveyances used to transport Class V(W) must have completed the Naval Motor Vehicle and Railcar Inspection Course (Ammo-51).
Completion of the Ammo-51 classroom version is a one-time requirement for initial certification. 2311/2340 shipping inspectors must be recertified in this course every two years via Ammo-51-DL.
Non-2311/2340 Shipping Inspectors.
Non-2311/2340 shipping inspectors performing inspections of both empty and loaded conveyances used to transport Class V(W) must complete the following courses:
Ammo-51, Naval Motor Vehicle and Railcar Inspection Course
Completion of the Ammo-51 classroom version is a one-time only requirement. Shipping inspectors must be recertified in this course every two years via web-based training.
Ammo-18, Basics of Naval Explosives Safety
This web-based course provides a basic understanding of the hazards of Class V(W) and informs students with the explosives safety principles and practices outlined in reference (f). Completion of Ammo-18 is a one-time requirement; however, activities may require this course as a refresher for personnel who have been away from Class V(W) handling duties for a year or more.
CMA staff will fill out DD Form 626 by exception.
Have a copy of TAMIS request.
Authorized personnel on DOA.
Receipt of SRC I material must have DD Form 1907 and be accomplished by an Officer or a SNCO meeting the personnel requirements of reference (a). The movement of SRC I material must always be under armed surveillance accompanied by a SNCO or above (as recorded on the DD 1907). This includes on-station movements and temporary storage at range locations.
Have a copy of NAVSEA SW020-AF-HBK-010 Glove Box Edition.
Copy of driver's license with explosive endorsement and medical certificate.
Load Plan.
Straps, proper fire extinguisher, placards.
Per MCO 5530.14A, SRC I and II AA&E items require an armed guard for movements remaining on base. In addition to the armed guard, an explosives driver is required. See Security requirements below for additional armed guard requirements for SRC I movements.
Units requiring off-base shipment in support of training exercises within a 100-mile radius are required to annotate an Advice Code of 43 on the request. Failing to comment on the off-base nature of the shipment shall cause delays once at the ASP. Reference MCO 8020.10 contains additional information for off base shipments.
ESO off base authorization letter required.
Per MCO 5530.14A, all off-base movements of AA&E require an explosives driver as well as an armed assistant driver. The vehicle/personnel must be equipped with a means of two-way communication. Authorized exceptions for certain movements are listed in MCO 5530.14A.
Per references (MCO 5530.14A), personnel must be armed when escorting ammunition. Armed personnel are required to check-in weapons and ammunition with the duty ammunition technician. Security ammunition requirements, by individual weapon system, are
M9: Two fully loaded magazines.
M4/M16: Two fully loaded magazines.
Shotgun: Enough rounds to satisfy a fully loaded tube, plus at least five additional rounds.
Unit Turn-in time is between 0730 and 1430. All Turn-ins are required to have an appointment and must be scheduled with CMA operations via CMA SharePoint site. Unscheduled Turn-ins will have the workload assessed by the Operations Chief and/or RSSI Chief to determine supportability.
No turn-ins will be processed after 1430.
If the Turn-in cannot be completed by 1430, the supported unit will be required to stage the Turn-in until the next business day. All scheduled Turn-ins take priority, any unscheduled Turn-ins will have to wait until they can be processed.
Vehicle properly inspected with DD Form 626.
All Class V(W) returned to the supporting activity must be properly inspected and segregated prior to transfer to site-approved storage locations. After initial processing, assets shall be segregated by the following categories:
- DoDIC.
- Lot Number.
- Condition Code.
- Load properly secured.
- DD 1907 for SRC I materiel as well as Officer or SNCO for CAT I items.
- Units shall make every effort to retain original packing material and return assets as close to factory pack as possible. Failure to do so may result in a NAVMC 11865 Discrepancy Report or a request for investigation to the parent command.
- Supported units must arrive with the original DD 1348-1As for their assets. The original document is required to credit the receipt to the unit’s allocation.
- CMA does not require unit to have 1348 turn in documents filled out prior to arrival; however, the unit must have proper segregation and counts on all ammunition.
- Once the materiel has been properly segregated and inspected, two separate verifiers shall inventory the material. Local SOPs shall be established to detail the appropriate steps taken when inventories do not match.
In accordance with MCO 5090.2, Units are responsible for processing, obliterating, certifying, documenting and properly turning in any Material Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard (MPPEH).
The Center Magazine area does not accept Range Residue, these items must be properly turned in to the MCAGCC Range Residue Processing Center building #2096.
Ammunition found left and/or abandoned on the the range
Transporting found on station ammunition must be done so in accordance with all required regulations. Government vehicle, Explosive driver, placards when required, ammunition properly segregated by caliber/DODIC/etc., containerized and secured.
Small arms ammunition .50 caliber and below with a quantity of less than one thousand rounds
- If the total quantity is less than one thousand rounds the unit will recover the ammunition and turn it in following the guidance and safety precautions listed above.
- Unit will collect as much information as possible, including pictures.
- ESO will be notified at 760-830-8464.
Small arms ammunition .50 caliber and below with a quantity greater than one thousand rounds
- If the quantity is from multiple ranges follow the guidance above.
- If the quantity is from a single range the following applies:
- In accordance with MCO 5530 as well as MARADMIN 592/20 this requires a Missing, Lost, Stolen, Recovered (M.L.S.R.) report.
- Unit will contact PMO (760-830-6810), CID (760-830-6820), and ESO (760-830-8464) for further guidance.
- PMO, CID may take custody or require the unit to transport to the CMA.
- Ammunition will be recovered and transported following the guidance and safety precautions listed above.
Ammunition larger than .50 caliber and all Pyro, Demo, etc., regardless of quantity
- DO NOT TOUCH munitions in this category. EOD must be notified (Office: 760-830-6885 or Duty Cell: 760-401-5841) for safe to transport inspection.
- In accordance with MCO 5530 as well as MARADMIN 592/20 this category requires a Missing, Lost, Stolen, Recovered (M.L.S.R.) report.
- Unit will contact PMO (760-830-6810), CID (760-830-6820), and ESO (760-830-8464) for further guidance.
- EOD may come out to inspect or ask questions to determine if munitions are safe for transport.
- If the item is not safe for transport, EOD will then take charge of ammunition and destroy on the range.
- If the item is deemed safe by EOD and PMO, CID may take custody or require the unit to transport to the CMA.
- Ammunition will be recovered and transported following the guidance and safety precautions listed above.
Ammunition found in an area other than the range, such as housing, barracks, etc.
Small arms ammunition .50 caliber and below
- DO NOT TOUCH. In accordance with MCO 5530 as well as MARADMIN 592/20 this requires and Missing, Lost, Stolen, Recovered (M.L.S.R.) report.
- Unit will contact PMO (760-830-6810), CID (760-830-6820), and ESO (760-830-8464) for further guidance.
- All ordnance will be turned over immediately to EOD.
- Disposition of ordnance having evidentiary value will be coordinated with the CID and EOD unit.
Ammunition larger than .50 caliber and all Pyro, Demo, etc., regardless of quantity
- DO NOT TOUCH. All Marines will be instructed to treat ordnance as unstable and ensure that only authorized, trained personnel handle the ordnance.
- In accordance with MCO 5530 as well as MARADMIN 592/20 found ordnance (ammunition, explosives, etc.) will be reported immediately to the CID (760-830-6820), EOD (760-830-6885), Duty Cell (760-401-5841), and ESO (760-830-8464) for further guidance.
- All ordnance will be turned over immediately to EOD.
- Disposition of ordnance having evidentiary value will be coordinated with the CID and EOD unit.
- Unit will submit a Missing, Lost, Stolen, Recovered (M.L.S.R.) report in accordance with MCO 5530.
- Initial report will be submitted within 48 hours with follow-on report every 30 days until adjudicated.
- Malfunction: Failure of an ammunition item to function in accordance with the design, intent, and expected performance when fired, launched, or otherwise employed as specified. Malfunctions include the abnormal or premature functions of an item as a result of normal handling, maintenance, storage, transportation, or tactical employment. Ammunition malfunctions do not include incidents resulting from negligence, improper use as intended, user error, etc. However, reporting of these incidents is required since they provide useful data in evaluating future incidents.
- Malfunctions shall be reported as indicated in the two categories below:
- Malfunctions involving injuries/fatalities/weapons damage or resulting in a local suspension will be telephonically reported immediately to MARCORSYSCOM, (PM Ammo) DSN 378-8756 or commercial 703-432-8756 during working hours, and to the Headquarters Marine Corps, Operations/Command Center (DSN) 225-5454 or commercial 703-695-5454 during non-working hours. This is essential to ensure that other Marines training with like ammunition worldwide are protected from possible further injuries. In accordance with MCO 8025.1E, the malfunction report must be submitted via Naval Message within 24 hours of the incident. The initial telephonic report does not negate the requirement for submission of the required Naval Message submission.
- All other malfunctions not involving injuries/fatalities/weapons damage (i.e., duds, misfires, etc) shall be reported via Naval Message within 96 hours of the malfunction. In the event that Naval Messaging is not available, Malfunction Reports in the format provided will be submitted via email to:,,, and
- Class V(W) Malfunction And Defect Reporting in weapons damage or personnel injury, the Range Safety Officer, the Commander, or individual in charge of the firing unit shall:
- Cease firing the ammunition lots involved.
- Call RANGE SAFETY at 760-830-7112.
- Call Explosive Safety Officer at 760-830-8464.
- Collect the minimum data required using NAVMC 10155 immediately report details of incident and submit malfunction report-to MARCORSYSCOM (PM Ammo) via Naval Message in accordance with instructions contained in Ammunition Malfunction Reporting Instructions.
- Secure/protect the malfunction site to prevent removal or relocation of ammunition/weapon components, debris, or residue (e.g., cartridge cases, projectile/barrel fragments, etc.) involved in the malfunction. MARCORSYSCOM (PM Ammo) will notify the malfunction location/unit within 24 hours from receipt of the initial report as to whether or not an onsite investigation will be conducted and whether the secured site can be released. Due to the operational tempo between multiple units and schools competing for ranges, range control needs to be aware of the requirement to secure the site of the incident and not schedule/conduct any training until notified by the investigating personnel assigned by MARCORSYSCOM (PM Ammo).
- Contact the Center Magazine Area Operations Section 760-830-8840 and relate all available information on the malfunction. The Officer0in-Charge will make a determination to locally suspend the ammunition lot(s) involved. Examples of justification to recommend local suspension include casualty, weapon damage, airburst/premature function, numerous misfires, or duds (not previously identified in an AIN). If the determination is made to suspend the lot(s), the unit will return all unused stocks of the involved lot(s) to the supporting CMA for exchange if available. Unsafe ammunition will not be transported or returned. Notify Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) at 760-830-6885 or 760-401-5841 and RANGE SAFETY at 760-830-7112 in accordance with local procedures for the disposition of ammunition deemed unsafe for storage/transport.
- Defect: An imperfection which may prevent an item from functioning as intended or result in a malfunction. Defects include, but are not limited to, crack cartridge case; loose primer; missing safety pin; deteriorated or leaking propellant bags or containers; presence of excessive rust/corrosion; and obvious external damage, etc.
Ammunition Defects shall be reported as indicated below:
- Defective ammunition shall be retained for possible evaluation/investigation and reported to Marine Corps Systems Command Program Manager for Ammunition MARCORSYSCOM (PM Ammo) utilizing the same distribution list provided for Malfunction Reports, see Sample Defect Message.
- Class V(W) Malfunction And Defect Reporting in weapons damage or personnel injury, the Range Safety Officer, the Commander, or individual in charge of the firing unit shall:
- Cease firing the ammunition lots involved.
- Call RANGE SAFETY at 760-830-7112.
- Call Explosive Safety Officer at 760-830-8464.
- Collect the minimum data required using NAVMC 10155 immediately report details of incident and submit malfunction report-to MARCORSYSCOM (PM Ammo) via Naval Message in accordance with instructions contained in Ammunition Defect Reporting Instructions.
- Contact the Center Magazine Area Operations Section 760-830-8840 and relate all available information on the malfunction. The Officer0in-Charge will make a determination to locally suspend the ammunition lot(s) involved. Examples of justification to recommend local suspension include casualty, weapon damage, airburst/premature function, numerous misfires, or duds (not previously identified in an AIN). If the determination is made to suspend the lot(s), the unit will return all unused stocks of the involved lot(s) to the supporting CMA for exchange if available. Unsafe ammunition will not be transported or returned. Notify Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) at 760-830-6885 or 760-401-5841 and RANGE SAFETY at 760-830-7112 in accordance with local procedures for the disposition of ammunition deemed unsafe for storage/transport.
- In accordance with MCO 8025.1E, If the lot is locally suspended the ASP will submit a message within 24 hours. See Sample Defect Message.
MCO 8025.1E
Flash Malfunction Defect Report (Excel file, download only)
NAVMC 11893 Ammo Malfunction Report
NAVMC 11894 Ammo Defect Report
Sample Defect Message
Sample Malfunction Message
The Field Ammunition Supply Point (FASP) is staffed by the Marine Logistics Group (MLG) with the mission to Receive, Inspect, Certify, Store, Transport, and Issue all Ground ammunition and explosives (A&E) in support of Service Level Training Events (ITX/MWX/AFX) and White Space training.
Commander's Intent
Purpose – EXFOR provides self-sufficient ammunition logistics support during all TTECG sponsored Service Level Training Events (SLTE), as well as Unit White Space training post Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (ROS&I) week.
Method – EXFOR forms and deploys as task-organized multi-functional detachment to operate a FASP in direct support of the exercise forces during ITX.
Endstate – FASP coordinates the bulk issue of Class V(W) from CMA, issuance and turn-in of Class V(W) to/from ITX EXFOR units, provide security and oversight for the storage of Class V(W), execute Class V(W) segregation/sentencing, and coordinates the scheduling and bulk turn-in to CMA.
FASP Coordinating Instructions
No later than 2 weeks prior to Class V(W) issue detachment will provide MAGTFTC MCAGCC ESO with the following:
- Storage plan to include DODIC list and total NEW for each storage cell.
- Two copies of fire map indicating DODICs, NEW, and greatest hazard present (1, 2, 3, or 4).
- LOI or operations at the FASP to include compatibility, access, inventories, security, primary and secondary communications plan, billeting, required equipment, fire symbols post at each cell, WP immersion barrel, dunnage, light box marking, and two-man rule.
- TTECG submits bulk request for the EXFOR to CMA prior to ITX.
- Coordinates with and receives bulk Class V(W) issue from CMA to support all all TTECG sponsored Service Level Training Events (SLTE), as well as Unit White Space training post Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (ROS&I) week.
- Provides security and storage of Class V(W) at the FASP.
- Coordinates and executes the issue of Class V(W) to EXFOR training units from the FASP.
- EXFOR training units would submit their respective TAMIS request to the FASP at MMTQ51/MMTQ52/MMTQ53/MMTQ54.
- Coordinates and executes EXFOR training unit excess Class V(W) turn in at the FASP.
- Conducts Class V(W) Segregation/Sentencing operations.
- Coordinates with and executes a bulk excess Class V(W) turn in to CMA.
- Ensures clearing and reconciliation/discrepancy reporting of DoDAAC MMTQ51/MMTQ52/MMTQ53/MMTQ54.
TTECG TAMIS Forecast/Request
90 days prior to exercise start – submit TAMIS forecast to CMA.
60 days prior to exercise start – submit TAMIS request to CMA.
CMA Issue to FASP
30 days prior to RSO&I – FASP coordinates logistical requirements with CMA.
14 days prior to RSO&I – FASP begins site preparation.
7 days prior to RSO&I – FASP receives bulk issue from CMA.
Officer/SNCO is required to be present during the issue/inventory of Security Risk Category (SRC) I Class V(W) – recommended for all Class V(W) issues.
FASP Issue to EXFOR Units
EXFOR units are required to have a load plan prior to issue.
EXFOR units must coordinate logistical requirements with FASP prior to arrival.
Pre-staging may be available if coordinated with FASP.
EXFOR units will inventory and sign for Class V(W) during RSO&I.
Officer/SNCO is required to be present during the issue/inventory of SRC I Class V(W) – recommended for all Class V(W) issues.
EXFOR units will draw all Class V(W) at once, authorized to make several trips.
SRC I will be issued on first trip.
Ammunition Holding Areas (AHAs) are authorized with prior coordination and approval from MCAGCC Explosive Safety Officer.
The Aviation Ordnance footprint within the Center Magazine Area (CMA) functions similar to that of a Station Weapons. We maintain a stock pile of aviation weapons systems to support Service Level Training Exercises onboard MCAGCC. By managing the Non Combat Expenditure Allocation (NCEA) for MAGTF-TC, we can provide additional munitions support to aviation units while they conduct pre-deployment training.
Prior to conducting training on MCAGCC, incoming MALS Ordnance personnel must submit a preposition request to identify the munitions that will be needed for aviation units and contact the Base ESO.
CMA SharePoint - CAC Required
Appointment Calendar - CAC Required
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Officer in Charge |
760-830-4879 |
Deputy |
760-830-3601 |
Aviation Ordnance Officer |
760-830-4511 |
760-830-3600 |
Operations |
760-830-8840 |
Records |
760-830-8810 |
Issues |
760-830-4203 |
760-830-3602 |
Main Gate
760-361-9888 |
230 |
Other Important Numbers |
Explosive Safety Officer |
Range Safety |
760-830-7112 |
Provost Marshal's Office |
760-830-6810 |
Criminal Investigation Division |
760-830-6820 |
Explosive Ordnance Disposal |
760-830-6885 |
EOD Duty Cell |
760-401-5841 |
MCAS Miramar Weather Center |
858-307-1542 |