
Exercise Support Division

Twentynine Palms Logo
Twentynine Palms, California
Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command and Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center

ESD Logo

Provide tailored logistics support to exercise forces conducting training aboard the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC); provide limited aviation ground support to operate and maintain a Strategic Expeditionary Landing Facility (SELF); provide maintenance support for military equipment beyond the organic capability of Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command (MAGTFTC) subordinate commands.

Exercise Support Division Org Chart

Enhanced Equipment Allowance Pool (EEAP)
Equipment consolidated at a decisive point to support commanders to achieve Tier 1 readiness.

  • Reduces TOT, convoys and temp loans.
  • Wear & tear on EEAP equipment vice owning units.
  • Quality maintenance personnel and facilities.

Exercise Logistics Coordination Center (ELCC)
Assists in the coordination of operations and logistical support for the exercise force at Camp Wilson.

  • Operates, manages, and sustains capabilities aboard Camp Wilson.
  • Capable of providing limited classes of supply, such as portions of Class II, III, and IV.
  • Operationally representative Forward Operating Base.

Aviation Ground Support Detachment (AGSD)
Designed (manned/equipped) to provide minimal operational support outside of exercises.

  • Maintains the airfield in a “ready for issue” state to transfer airfield responsibilities to the supporting MAG/MWSS.
  • CCO 3700.1K (SELF AOM) is the overarching document that captures how the SELF is operated and controlled.

If you are a unit that has been formally slated at a Marine Corps Force Synchronization Conference to participate in Integrated Training Exercise (ITX), Adversary Force Exercise (AFX), or MAGTF Warfighting Exercise (MWX) contact the following individuals:

  • Your Battalion will draw all required support/equipment from ESD.
  • The Equipment Density List (EDL) that you will draw in support of your training is available through the EAO.
  • The EDL that you will draw has been approved by Tactical Training & Exercise Control Group (TTECG).

ELCC: ELCC OIC at 760-830-1219 / 760-830-1220 or smb_plms_elcc_support@usmc.milWear

  • ELCC Headquarters is located at Building 5429, Camp Wilson, MCAGCC Twentynine Palms, CA.
  • Camp Wilson Camp Commandants office is located at Building 5430, Camp Wilson, MCAGCC Twentynine Palms, CA. Camp Commandant can be reached at 760-830-9241.

AGSD: AGS OpsO at 760-830-7867.

  • Key touch point for MACG/MWSS airfield transfer coordination.

If you are a not a formally slated unit contact MAGTFTC G-3 (Operations section) to coordinate your training.

  • Once your exercise has been approved by MAGTFTC G-3, review CCO 3500.16A.

The MCAGCC Wash Rack is accessible 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

  • To schedule the use of the Wash Rack call the ESD Operations Chief at 760-830-8889 a minimum of 24 hours in advance.

  • Wash Rack scheduling is on a first come first served basis.

  • The using unit is responsible for policing up the Wash Rack at completion of wash Operations.


The ELCC is the MTD's liaison between the exercise forces and all supporting agencies aboard MCAGCC. The ELCC works directly with the EXFOR Camp Commandant and oversees the daily operations and upkeep of Exercise Support Base Camp Wilson. The ELCC manages, maintains, and assigns Camp Wilson's billeting and work space facilities to the training units.

Located in K-Span 5429, Camp Wilson, MCAGCC/MAGTF-TC Twentynine Palms, CA. MGRS 11S NT 7864 9553 (Google Maps 34.2980, -116.1453)

The Lead Camp Commandant can be reached at 760-830-9395 or 760-830-9241.

ELCC contacts
Logistics Chief 760-830-9922
OIC 760-830-9391
Deputy 760-830-1219
Communications Specialist
Operations Officer
Unit Movement Coordinator 760-830-1215
Bulk Fuels 760-830-1225
Operations Officer Comm: 760-830-5152
   DSN: 230-5152
Exercise Action Officer Comm: 760-830-4931
   DSN: 230-4931
Operations Chief Comm: 760-830-8889
   DSN: 230-8889
Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms