
Distribution Management Office
Twentynine Palms Logo
Twentynine Palms, California
Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command and Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center

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To assist in supporting the Combat Center logistics mission by effecting the safe, timely and accurate movement of personnel, government cargo, and personal property from origin to destination via all modes of transport using military and commercial assets, services, and systems organic to, contracted for, or controlled by the Department of Defense in peace and war.


To provide efficient and effective services for the transportation of personal property, personnel, and freight cargo for all DOD members moving within MCAGCC areas of operation.

The freight section is located within the Distribution Management Office (DMO) and ships and receives freight for all MCAGCC Base and Tenant Organizations, except for the Marine Corps Exchange and Commissary.

We process outbound and inbound freight shipments for five Integrated Training Exercises (ITX) per year, as well as other US Armed Forces and Coalition Forces and receive over 5,000 truckloads per year transporting over 40,000 short ton of freight.

Supported units must provide DMO Freight with a list of personnel who are authorized to pick up and receipt for freight for their respective unit. Units must update this list as changes occur. Units must pick up and receipt for freight within 48 hours of notification by DMO. 

The ultimate consignee must be available to receive weapons and/or classified material at the time of delivery. DMO freight cannot accept delivery.

DMO Freight provides tracer action service for delayed or lost shipments pass RDD. Contact DMO freight for detailed instructions on what is required to initiate a tracer action.

Supported units are responsible for providing MHE and licensed personnel to offload freight delivered to locations other than the DMO Warehouse. Supported units are required to provide DMO Freight with a point of contact, name, and telephone number to effect coordination of the offloading of inbound freight. Point of contact must be on board at least 24 hours in advance of freight arrival and have procured necessary MHE and licensed personnel.

Supported units must contact DMO Freight for guidance on the proper procedures and documentation required for requesting transportation. Email at or phone (760) 830-6315 or (760) 830-1563.

Driving directions to DMO (PDF)

The DMO Passenger section arranges all transportation required by permanent change of station (PCS) and temporary duty (TAD) service members. We process all required documents for no-fee passports for authorized people and monitor the Commercial Travel Office (CTO) to ensure contractual requirements are met.

We provide service for MCAGCC active duty and civilian personnel for worldwide travel.

The Personal Property Processing Office (PPPO), located within the Distribution Management Office, provides personal property entitlement counseling. PPPO accepts and reviews all applications for shipment and storage submitted by the member using the Defense Personal Property System (DPS). The DPS contains pertinent information regarding your responsibilities and the Transportation Service Provider’s (TSP) responsibilities in servicing your move. PPPO will verify your entitlement and advise you should excess costs exist. PPPO will validate the lines of accounting for shipment and storage of household goods. The domestic and international Personal Property Consignment Instruction Guide is used to properly direct the shipment to destination location.

PPPO is the liaison for the Joint Personal Property Shipping Office-Southwest (JPPSO-SW).

All documentation is uploaded in DPS and retrieved by the JPPSO-SW located in San Diego, CA. JPPSO-SW will route and award your shipment to a TSP to service your move. Please provide two weeks’ notice for pickup, or four weeks notice during the peak season of May through August.

Incoming personnel should contact their TSP to arrange for delivery. If your TSP information was not provided to you, please contact our office at (760) 830-6119 or email (this is our generic account). If you are not ready to accept delivery of your personal property and need an extension for storage, log into DPS and select the Shipment Management tab, then Shipment Request to request an extension.

All loss and damage claims for shipments that were booked in DPS must be input and filed in DPS. A notice of loss or damage report must be submitted to your TSP within 75 days of your delivery date. Claims must be filed within 9 months of delivery to be eligible for full replacement value (FRV) insurance coverage. You have the right to file your claim up to 2 years from delivery, however if a claim is filed after 9 months but before 2 years from delivery, the claim will be adjudicated on depreciated value of the item. 

Call the Quality Assurance Office at (760) 830-6683 or (760) 830-6119 if problems arise during your pack out.

The Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) must be completed in DPS after your shipment has been delivered. This survey is used to calculate the TSP’s Performance Score and contains questions designed to garner feedback about services provided by the TSP.  The results of the CSS help the Department of Defense (DoD) achieve the dual goal of (1) more frequently selecting TSPs that provide better service and (2) motivating TSPs to improve their services performance

Please access the Defense Personal Property System at for the following How To Guides: 


Shipment Status Check

Personal Info Update

Request a Reweigh

Request a Delivery

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Filing a Claim

If your application for shipment was not processed in DPS, please contact us via email at or call (760) 830-6119.

We package freight and small package shipments using proper preservation, preparation and crating techniques.

Packaging and packing of items ranging from small electronic circuit boards up through vehicle and aircraft components for shipment throughout the DoD and the world.

We use cardboard boxes and build wooden boxes, crates, pallets and flats to prepare your freight for shipment. We can also do special and unique wood construction projects.

For further information on services available, and how to access these services, please call the Packing Leader or SNCOIC.

DoD has determined that pet shipment will be limited to passengers in permanent change of station (PCS) status only. You are limited to a maximum of two pets per family. Remember, pets are defined as dogs and cats only.

When you request reservations you must present DD form 2208, Rabies Vaccination Certificate, to your transportation office as proof of ownership. Be aware that pet space is limited on all flights, so request for reservations will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

Processing your pet at the airport can be difficult unless you follow some simple rules. You must show up for your flight no later than 2 hours prior to departure. Passengers on contract commercial (category B) flights may check-in up to 4 hours prior to departure, but due to limited pet storage space, you must retain custody of your pet until 45 minutes prior to boarding. All pets must remain in their container while in the terminal area.

Remember you are responsible for obtaining all required documentation, immunization, and border clearance requirements. Be prepared to defray any associated cost.


Your pet's container must be an approved International Air Association container, which are available at most exchange and retail stores and commercial airports. The cage must be large enough for your pet to stand up, turn around, and lie down with normal posture and body movements. Several layers of newspaper, shredded paper, or absorbent material should be placed in bottom of container. Do not use straw, hay, grass, sawdust, sand or soil.

Normally, pets will be individually caged; however, two small animals of comparable size, up to 14 KG (30.8 pounds) each, that are used to cohabitation may be shipped in the same container as long as they can also stand up, turn around, and lie down with normal posture. Pets of different species will not be shipped together in the same container (i.e., a small dog and small cat).

Your pet and container with a combined weight up to 70 pounds will be charged as 1 piece. Pets traveling in a single container with combined weight 71 - 99 pounds will be charged as 2 pieces. Pets and container with combined weight of 100 pounds or more and returning from overseas will be charged as 2 pieces; however, a waiver must be requested from appropriate service headquarters for travel. Two pets in the same container but weighing less than 70 pounds are charged as one piece. Pets and container CONUS outbound, with a combined weight exceeding 100 pounds travel commercially at the owners expense as freight.

The industry standard is 100 pounds for checked baggage, which exists to safeguard the health and well being of human baggage handlers and prevent damage to baggage handling equipment.

Feed your pet very lightly and provide water before turning them in for shipment. You should also exercise the pet before coming to the terminal. Placing a familiar article or toy in the cage may help placate your pet.

Some pets with snub noses experience respiratory difficulty inflight. Ensure your container has adequate ventilation and your pet is free of respiratory problems.

If possible, because it causes great distress to other pets and may result in injury, do not ship female pets who are in heat (ESTRUS). We cannot accept females with suckling young and unweaned animals. Weaned puppies younger than 8 weeks old should not be shipped due to possible dehydration.


Allow your pet to get accustomed to the shipping container a few days before departure so that he or she will be comfortable in his or her temporary home during flight. Use the crate as a bed or feed the animal in the crate for several days.

Please check with a veterinarian to be sure that your animal is fit for travel. Some species, e.g. pug nose dogs, simply do not fly well because they have difficulty breathing even under normal conditions.

Sedation is not advised since the effects of tranquilizers on animals at high altitudes are unpredictable. Your veterinarian should make a decision to prescribe a tranquilizer for your pet. If you believe some form of sedation might be helpful, be sure to obtain and follow expert advise.

It is a good idea to carry a leash with you on a trip so you can walk your pet before check-in and after arrival.

Do not take your pet out of the kennel inside the airport. In keeping with airport regulations and courtesy for other passengers, you should let your pet out only after you leave the terminal building.

Mark the kennel with your pet's name and include your name, destination or unit address and phone number if available. We suggest you purchase an ID tag for your pet also.

Keep strangers, especially children, at a distance if your pet seems to be nervous. Even the most gentle pet can be provoked into growling or snapping.

The purpose of this information is to enable our travelers to make travel arrangements when they are changing duty stations or just going TAD to a conference or school. Hopefully these travel tips will make your requesting and executing of travel much smoother and expedite your reimbursable travel expenses.


When traveling TAD per existing regulations travelers are required to use the Defense Travel System (DTS) to initiate their travel. DTS is an on line module that will offer airline, hotel, and car rental accommodations to the traveler. Questions regarding DTS travel can be answered by your unit Authorizing Official (AO) or the installation DTS Helpdesk.

Any traveler that travels more than twice a year is required to have an Individual Billing Account (IBA) to pay for their commercial airline tickets. Ticketing is done electronically but the traveler must ensure that tickets have been generated prior to reporting to their perspective airport. When an IBA is not used travel orders must be provided to the Passenger Transportation Office so that your tickets maybe generated. Tickets will normally be issued 3 days in advance of your TAD.


When ordered to travel to an overseas destination all DOD travelers must use AMC assets when available. The use of AMC has been mandated by HQMC and the Dept. of Defense. Your request for travel will be submitted via DTS and will be reviewed by the Passenger Transportation Office (PTO) once it routes through. If you are traveling to the Far East Theater check with the PTO that AMC wasn't available prior to using commercial air. Non compliance of AMC must be documented in your record to justify the use of commercial transportation.



When ordered to travel to an overseas destination all DOD travelers must use AMC assets when available. The use of AMC has been mandated by HQMC and the Dept. of Defense. Your request for travel will be submitted via IPAC in the form of a portcall request. Your portcall request must have your information: rank, full name, full ssn, names of each of your dependents and their ssn. If animals are traveling, the type of animal dog or cat with their weight and dimensions of the kennel must also be provided on the portcall request. The portcall information will be provided to your clerk at IPAC who will inform you of your travel accommodations.


Here at the Passenger Transportation Office (PTO), we pride ourselves on providing quality travel service. Customer service is important, so we strive hard to provide the best service to our travelers. If at anytime you feel you haven't received quality service from the Passenger Transportation Office, please contact the SNOIC for resolution of your complaint. By understanding the transportation process, hopefully it will enhance your travel experience. If you have travel questions, please don't hesitate in contacting our office.

DMO OIC 760-830-6466
Distribution Manager 760-830-6701
Distribution Chief 760-830-6356
Freight 760-830-6315
Passenger 760-830-6760
Personal Property 760-830-6119
PP&P 760-830-6350
FAX 760-830-6712
After Hours 760-910-4252
DSN 230
Bldg. 1102
0730-1630 Monday - Friday
Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms