
Religious Ministries

Twentynine Palms Logo
Twentynine Palms, California
Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command and Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center

Welcome to Religious Ministries aboard marine corps air ground combat centerDept of Navy Chaplain logo

The Religious Ministry Team welcomes you to join the vibrant faith communities at the Combat Center. Our goal is to assist you with your religious needs by offering a range of worship services, religious education, life skill classes and fellowship opportunities. We are committed to nurturing your faith in a caring community.


Protestant Chapel (Building 1541, corner of Fifth Street and Sturgis Road)

Catholic Chapel (Building 1542, corner of Sixth Street and Sturgis Road)

Duty Chaplain


The Catholic Chapel is located in Bldg. 1542, corner of Sixth Street and Sturgis Road.
Phone: 760-830-6456
Facebook: IHM29PALMS


Saturday Vigil Mass:1700
Sunday: 0930 and 1200
Daily Mass: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 1130
Every First Friday: 1130
Holy Days of Obligation: 1130 and 1800

Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession

Saturday: 1600-1645
Sunday: 0845 - 0915 and 1115 - 1145
Friday (during Lent): 1600
Also available by appointment or walk-in.


Rosary: Sunday, 0900 and 1630
Holy Day of Obligation Rosary: 1100 and 1730 
Exposition and Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament: Every first Friday at 1200, closing with Benediction at 1400.
Stations of the Cross: Every Friday of Lent at 1700

Sacraments: Baptism, Marriage, and Anointing of the Sick

Call Father Benjamin at 760-830-4490 or the Chapel Office at 760-830-6456.

Baptism: Parents and Godparents must attend a Baptism Preparation Class prior to scheduling the Baptism.
Marriage: Couples are required to make arrangements with the Catholic chapel six months prior to the desired date of marriage.
Anointing of the Sick: This sacrament is for the elderly and those who are seriously sick or scheduled for major surgery.


The Protestant Chapel is located in Bldg. 1541, corner of Fifth Street and Sturgis Road.
Phone: 760-830-6464
Facebook: Protestant Chapel 29 Palms


Sunday: 1030 General Protestant Service (“Chapel Kids” program offered during sermon)
Sunday: 1300 Gospel Service (children’s church offered during sermon)
Tuesday: 1900 Men’s Gospel Bible Study
Wednesday: 1800 Fellowship Meal and Bible Study (adult, teen, and children’s Bible studies offered)

Check our Facebook page for for special services and upcoming events.

Christian Women’s Fellowship (CWF) is a ministry open to all women of MCAGCC who believe in Jesus Christ or have a desire to learn more about Him, and who are interested in focusing their lives on His Word and its truth, teaching, and promises. 

All women (spouses and servicewomen – active duty or retired) are invited to participate in CWF regardless of denomination or rank.

CWF meets each Tuesday at the Protestant Chapel located at Bldg. 1541, corner of Fifth Street and Sturgis Street.
9:30 am to 11:30 am. Volunteer-led childcare offered, based on availability.

For more information, contact CWF via:
Instagram: @cwf29palms

There is a Bible Study hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) on Tuesdays, 1800-1900, in the West Wing of the Protestant Chapel. For more information, please call 719-330-8022.

There is a Muslim prayer service (Jum’ah) on Fridays at 1330 in the West Wing of the Protestant Chapel. For more information, please call 516-382-7233.

CREDO Retreats
CREDO offers marriage retreats and workshops throughout the year at no cost to participants. To find out about upcoming retreats, please contact one of the following offices:

CREDO Navy Region Southwest 
Office: 619-705-5296

CREDO Camp Pendleton
Office: 760-725-4954
Facebook: CREDO Camp Pendleton

The Protestant and Catholic chapels exist to support the free exercise of religion for all military members, dependents, and other authorized personnel stationed aboard the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC). However, these chapels can also be used for a limited number of other events when the chapels are not in use.

Religious services and religious education take priority over every event except memorial services/funerals.

There is no fee for chapel usage or Religious Program Specialist and Chaplain support. Non-religious personal celebrations (i.e., birthday parties, anniversaries, etc.) are not permitted in the chapels. The event must not violate good order and discipline as determined by the MCAGCC Director of Religious Ministries and the MCAGCC Commanding General. 

Please email the Chapel Staff at to obtain a Chapel Usage Request form.

Duty Chaplain 760-861-4739
Director 760-401-1298
Deputy Director 760-830-7413
Catholic Chapel 760-830-6456
Protestant Chapel 760-830-6464
MCCES 760-830-6187
HQ Battalion 760-830-4571
7th Marine Regiment 760-830-6691
1/7 Battalion 760-830-5209
2/7 Battalion 760-830-5865
3/7 Battalion 760-830-5789
3/4 Battalion 760-830-8533
3/11 Battalion 760-830-5521
3rd LAR 760-830-5217
CLB 7 760-830-6286
Naval Hospital 760-830-2429
CREDO 760-725-4954
Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms