The Office of the Staff Judge Advocate (OSJA), MAGTFTC-MCAGCC Twentynine Palms, California, provides legal advice and support to the Commanding General (CG), subordinate commanders, tenant units and Combat Center military personnel and dependents.
The OSJA serves as the Command's Ethics Counselor, provides operational law support, administers for the CG, federal statutes including the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), Navy and Marine Corps regulations and Combat Center Orders, reviews investigations and adverse administrative actions, and provides a liaison with civil authorities as needed.

The Civil and Installation Law Section provides legal oversight and control of:
- Civil Process, Subpoenas, and Repossessions
- Fundraising
- Solicitation and Commercial Business Enterprises
- Ethics and Standards of Conduct
- Information Requests
- Contract Review
- Debarment
How to Request Fundraising Authorization:
- Print a Request to Conduct Fundraising Event at MAGTFTC, MCAGCC, CC 1740/1, and complete the top section of the form with information about yourself and your fundraising event.
- Obtain the required endorsements for the respective areas on base.
- Bring the fully endorsed Fundraising Request Form to Bldg 1515 two weeks prior to date of fundraiser.
Solicitation and Commercial Business Enterprises
The Installation Law Section provides legal oversight and control of commercial business enterprises operating aboard the Combat Center. Applications are accepted, reviewed, and approved by this office, often in consultation with MCCS and the Housing Office. Complaints are also handled by this office, which maintains a database of duly registered, warned, and barred solicitors.
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding solicitation.
How to Request Solicitation Authorization:
Read CCO 1740.1D.
Print Enclosure 2 from CCO 1740.1D and fill out all applicant and company information.
Take the form to MCCS for approval. MCCS is located in Bldg 1427 at 4th and Brown streets. Enter through the center of the building, turn left, and enter the third door on the left.
Include the following documents with your authorization form:
A letter from your employer stating that you work for the business and that the employer requests you have access to the Combat Center. Note: Business owners must provide their business license annually to SJA to continue to receive authorization to operate aboard the Combat Center.
Your driver's license
Your vehicle registration
Your current vehicle insurance.
Submit the authorization form to the OSJA (Installation Law Section) on Tuesday or Thursday between 9am and 11am.
Pickup the completed authorization form the following Tuesday or Thursday between 9am and 11am.
Civil Process, Subpoenas, and Repossessions
The Installation Law section provides legal oversight and control over service of process and subpoenas to military and civilian personnel aboard the Combat Center. The Installation Law Officer reviews all subpoenas for witnesses or documents to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. The proper agent to accept service of most subpoenas is the General Counsel to the Secretary of the Navy. Please contact our office for additional instruction and to receive the appropriate form(s).
JAGINST 5800.7E, JAGMAN (Chapter 6).
SECNAVINST 5820.8A, Release of Official Information for Litigation Purposes and Testimony by DON Personnel.
SECNAVINST 5822.2, Service on State and Local Juries by Members of the Naval Service.
Ethics and Standards of Conduct
The Installation Law section provides guidance, counseling, and training on all matters related to Government ethics or standards of conduct, including gifts, fundraising, conflicts of interest, financial disclosure, and use of Government resources. Potential clients span a wide spectrum, from the CG to individual Marines to civilian personnel to entire units or directorates. Please contact the SJA or Civil Law office with any ethics questions or requests for ethics opinions.
Annual Ethics Training
All personnel required to file financial disclosure forms (OGE 450 or OGE 278) must complete an hour of annual training in the Standards of Conduct. Training is available at Submit your completion certificate to the Civil Law office.
Information Requests Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA)
The Installation Law Section provides legal guidance and oversight to the MCAGCC FOIA and PA Program, which includes conducting training, advising the FOIA Coordinator and appropriate PA system managers, and reviewing full and partial denials of FOIA requests. Although the main client is the FOIA Coordinator, both units and individual personnel (both civilian and military) occasionally require assistance. Submit a FOIA or PA request.
Contract Review (MOU, MOA, LOA, & ISSA)
The Installation law Section provides legal advice and review of any submitted documents of a contractual nature. These documents may include contracts, Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), Memoranda of Agreement (MOAs), Letters of Agreements (LOAs), and Inter-Service Support Agreements (ISSAs).
The Installation law Section provides legal oversight and advice during the investigation and issuance of debarment letters and the conduct of FMIB hearings. The main clients are the CG and Chief of Staff.
CCO 5510.3B (restricted access)
The Installation Law Section provides legal representation as a designated Special United States Attorney (SAUSA) during the investigation and prosecution of violations of federal criminal statutes by civilians aboard the Combat Center. The only client is the CG. Assistance, expertise, and guidance is provided by the Assistant U.S. Attorney in Los Angeles. Hearings are conducted before the U.S. Magistrate Judge sitting in San Bernardino County at the Black Rock Ranger Station in Joshua Tree National Park. Hearings are held on the first Friday of February, April, May, October, and December.