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The primary mission of the Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command (MAGTFTC), Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) Installation Personnel Administration Center (IPAC) is to provide efficient and effective administration for Commanders, Marines, and family members by centralizing: Marine assignments, Marine reporting, record maintenance, and separation processing.
New Joins Checking In Bring the following documents to IPAC:
Original Orders
Flight & hotel receipts
Taxi receipts
Reporting endorsement
Separations & Retirement
PCS Execution
TAD Execution Bring TAD orders from Parent Unit.
Returning from TAD Bring the detaching endorsement from TAD unit and the reporting endorsement from parent unit.
Adding a Spouse Bring the following documents:
Original Marriage Certificate
Original Birth Certificate
If either party was previously divorced, please provide copies of the divorce decree.
Adding a Child Bring the original Birth Certificate.
Director CWO3 Enenbach M.J.
Senior Enlisted Advisor MSgt Christopher D. Kley
IPAC SharePoint (restricted access)
Combat Center Orders
Microsoft Training Videos
Correspondence Manual
DoD Financial Management Regulations
MISSO / MISSA (restricted access)
Interactive Customer Evaluation
Bldg. 1450, 4th Street, Twentynine Palms, California 92277 Hours: 0730-1630. Closed weekends and holidays.
Locate IPAC on Google Maps
HQBn OOD 760-401-9840
HQBn Duty NCO 760-830-6566
Headquarters 760-830-1514
Awards 760-830-1651
Customer Service 760-830-1623
Deployments 760-830-1624
Legal 760-830-1578
Limited Duty 760-830-1578
New Joins 760-830-1509
Operations 760-830-1514
Orders 760-830-1691
Pay 760-830-1623
Promotions 760-830-1578
Separations 760-830-1761
Temporary Additional Duty (TAD) 760-830-1585
Travel Claims 760-830-1509
Customer Service 760-830-1646
Inbound 760-830-1822
Outbound 760-830-1692
Reserves 760-830-1632