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Participants of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response annual Colorful Consent 5k Run throw colored powder during a ‘color party’ held at the finish line of the run held aboard the Combat Center, April 1, 2016. (Official Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Thomas Mudd/Released)

Photo by Cpl. Thomas Mudd

SAPR hits the ground running with sexual assault awareness month

8 Apr 2016 | Cpl. Thomas Mudd Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms

The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program held their annual Colorful Consent 5k Run aboard the Combat Center April 1, 2016.
SAPR held the run to raise awareness of sexual assault, as well as provide the Combat Center community with more opportunities to learn about the installation’s tools to prevent it.

“April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month,” said Deliesse Hitt, sexual assault response coordinator, SAPR. “We held our first run last year because we wanted to put on a fun event that would help spread awareness about sexual assault. From what we’ve seen the participants enjoyed it.”

The event started with opening remarks about sexual assault and how Marines and sailors can go receive help if faced with sexual assault situation. The run took the participants around a 5-kilometer course, starting at the installation’s physical fitness test track.

The runners went through four different stations where they were covered in various colored powders. At the finish line, the runners were given a packet of the powder that would be used to cover themselves in more colors during ‘color parties’ held at the finish line of the race.

“The run was a fun way to learn about sexual assault awareness,” said Pfc. Oseas Osio, artillery mechanic, Exercise Support Division. “Raising awareness for sexual assault helps prevent incidents from occurring in the future. Being able to be part of the solution is a great feeling.”
Anyone can report sexual assault. To report contact a SAPR Victim Advocate at (760) 799-0273.

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Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms