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CChaz, military working dog, chases down Sgt. John Scudder, MWD handler, MWD section, PMO, during a canine demonstration as part of Lifestyle, Insights, Networking, Knowledge, and Skills annual Combined Arms Exercise for Kids at Felix Field April 20, 2016. (Official Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Thomas Mudd/Released)

Photo by Cpl. Thomas Mudd

LINKS holds annual CAX for Kids

28 Apr 2016 | Cpl. Thomas Mudd Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms

The Lifestyle, Insights, Networking, Knowledge and Skills program held the annual Combined Arms Exercise for Kids at Felix Field April 20, 2016.

The L.I.N.K.S. CAX for Kids, held during spring break, afforded eighty-eight Combat Center children an opportunity to step into their parent’s boots.

“It’s a fun way to teach children about what their Marine or sailor does and what this lifestyle is really like,” said Amber Bilderain, program manager, L.I.N.K.S. “They have a great time playing games and learning about the different aspects of their parents’ life.”

As part of the event, there were various activities to include: a relay race while wearing light flak jackets and kevlar helmets, learning and organizing the Marine Corps ranks, and running through an inflatable obstacle course. The participants were also provided opportunities to learn about various military vehicles such as the Amphibious Assault Vehicle P7/A1, the M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, Light Armored Vehicle, and the Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement.

“These events are a great way to teach family members about the Marine Corps,” said Sgt. Patricio Parra, warehouse noncommissioned officer in charge, Consolidated Material Support Center. “It’s important for children to experience some of what their parents do.”

Marine Corps Communication-Electronic School and CMSC Marines also volunteered to help teach and lead during the event. The participants were separated into ten groups and each group had one Marine assigned to lead them through the exercises.

“Being able to volunteer for this event was an opportunity for me to give back,” Parra said. “Knowing the children look up to Marines is amazing. Some of them will grow up to be Marines or sailors like their parents and I hope by doing this we have some impact on their lives.”

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Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms