
Fire Department
Twentynine Palms Logo
Twentynine Palms, California
Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command and Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center

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The Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Fire Department was established in 1953 and has grown with the Center to become one of the most progressive Fire and Emergency Service Organizations within the Department of Defense.

To better familiarize you with our department, we encourage you to visit the different areas of our operation. The Combat Center Fire Department is a community-based organization and provides many services to the Marines, Sailors, and Civilian Employees at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center.

To improve the quality of life aboard the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, by providing a high quality emergency fire and rescue service, an excellent fire prevention program, including public education, a fire fighting force capable of handling emergencies which include structural fire fighting, hazardous material response, all types of rescues, and other various emergencies and catastrophes. The department will accomplish this mission while maintaining a high regard for the health and safety of our personnel, and maintain a high standard of training and education. The department will also maintain fire department apparatus, facilities and interact professionally when dealing with other departments or agencies.

The Fire Chief, fire protection manager, is responsible for the direct management and organization of the MCAGCC fire department. The fire chief is responsible for enforcing the fire protection program regulations and developing department standard operating procedures. The fire department is responsible for providing fire suppression, fire prevention, and emergency response service to MCAGCC and to surrounding jurisdictions through mutual and automatic aid agreements.

Fire Regulations and Instructions Manual

Defibrillator Maintenance Checklist

Notification of Defibrillator Site

Emergency - Ambulance - Fire
From Wired Phone: 911
From Cell Phone: 830-3333/3334

Military Police
From Wired Phone: 911
From Cell Phone: 830-6800

Explosive Ordnance Disposal


From Cell Phones
To report emergencies DIAL (760) 830-3333. Dialing 9-1-1 From a cell phone connects you to the California Highway Patrol who will transfer your call to our dispatcher. This is not the fastest method, however, you will still reach our dispatcher.

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) phones
To report emergencies at MCAGCC using a VOIP provider/service (like Vonage) DIAL (760) 830-3333.

911 calls that go to a VOIP provider connect to an operator that must look up where the nearest emergency services are located. In local tests we have found that the internet operator has two tries to transfer the call to the correct agency. They usually think the caller is from the City of Twentynine Palms instead of MCAGCC. On a third attempt to transfer, the call gets dropped. The wasted time could mean the difference between life and death.

Cordless Phones
Cordless telephones require A/C (electricity) to operate the base station. Many people are under the impression that because the hand-set uses batteries that it will work during power outages. Try it for yourself, unplug the power cord from your base station and see if you get a dial tone. This is why we recommend each home have at least one (1) hard wire telephone that is not dependent on A/C for operation. This way you would still be able to call 911 in the event of an emergency.


Clearly state the problem.

Give the address including the building number (the name of the building is also helpful).

Number of people, their ages and sex.

Yes or No.

Yes or No.

The accuracy of all telephone numbers and addresses must be verified again by the dispatcher.


Remain calm and give direct answers to the questions asked. Speak slowly and clearly. You will be asked additional questions so the dispatcher can send the right type of help. All questions are important.

The dispatcher may also provide you with CRITICAL PRE-ARRIVAL INSTRUCTIONS, such as CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) or the Heimlich Maneuver. Understanding what happens when a 911 call is placed will help the system run more efficiently and will bring you the emergency medical service you need in the shortest possible time.

  • ASSURE THE PATIENT that help is on the way.

  • KEEP THE PHONE LINE CLEAR after the 911 call is made.

  • DIRECT SOMEONE TO WAIT OUT FRONT to meet the fire department and lead the way.

  • WAVE A FLASHLIGHT or turn on flashers of a car or porch light if it's dark or visibility is poor.

  • CONSIDER HAVING AN INTERPRETER if the patient does not speak English.

  • SECURE PETS, especially dogs, in a separate area.

  • GATHER OR MAKE A LIST OF MEDICATIONS that the patient is using and give to emergency personnel.

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The Most Painful Burn Is The One You Could Have Prevented!

Among the hidden hazards in your home, there are two especially harmful to children, Flammable liquids, like gasoline and paint thinner and ordinary household tap water, that's too hot for a child's skin.

Protecting your loved ones from flammable liquids and extremely hot water should come down to common sense. But with so many accidents, injuries and deaths every year, it's easy to see that common sense is sometimes overlooked. It's not hard to figure out why, either. As parents, we become preoccupied or distracted in going about our daily lives, and that's where the problems lie. All it takes is a split second, to change the course of your life.

Flammable Liquids
Gasoline is a motor fuel. That is the only thing gasoline is for: to power a motor. It's not a solvent, not a cleaning fluid, and should never be used that way. NEVER! Gasoline is a Highly Flammable Liquid. Dangerous flammable vapors are released in your home or garage every time there is a spill, or when the container of gasoline or other flammable liquid is not properly sealed. The silent, invisible vapors can travel, and if these vapors reach a source of ignition, like a faulty electrical outlet, the spark from a running motor, or the pilot light of a home appliance, the vapors can ignite...and blow you clean out of the house.

Hot Tap Water
More Than 4,000 Children Are Scalded By Tap Water Every Year! It only takes a second to turn a happy bath time into a LIFETIME of PAIN. Scald burns are most common among young children. And yet, these accidents are so easy to prevent if you follow these simple steps.

1. Before putting your child in the bath tub, test the water by moving your hand around the water to make sure it's not too hot.

2. Never leave your child alone, not even for a second. If you need to answer the phone or doorbell, take your child with you.

Remember, tap water scald burns can be as serious as burns from hot liquid spills from a stove top. And tap water burns usually cover a larger area of the body. Make sure your water heater is set no higher than 120 degrees. Use a cooking thermometer to check the water temperature in your bath tub. If it's hotter than 120 degrees, turn down your water heater, or call a professional to turn it down. Water doesn't have to be at the boiling point to harm a child. Infants are plump and cuddly, and their tender skin is a lot thinner than a grown-up's, and can be scalded more quickly.

 Holiday Safety  

Holidays usually prove to make households busier than normal. Usually, we are in a hurry to get things done before the guests arrive or the actual event itself starts. Please follow a few safety precautions this year and prevent possible disastrous fires from occurring.

Fireworks Safety - Fireworks are illegal for use in San Bernardino County and aboard MCAGCC, therefore we are not providing safety tips for their use. However, we are providing an actual newspaper article of an incident that proved disastrous to a young local Marine.

Halloween Safety Tips - A few safety precautions can prove to be safe and successful for the little ones this Halloween. Happy Haunting...

Christmas Safety - By following a few safety tips this Christmas you could prevent a disastrous fire from possibly occurring.

 Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Smoke Detectors
There are two types of smoke detection technologies in common use today, ionization and photoelectronic.

Ionization smoke alarms respond first to fast flaming fires. A flaming fire devours combustibles extremely fast, spreads rapidly and generates considerable heat with little smoke. Ionization models are best suited for rooms which contain highly combustible materials. These types of materials include: cooking fat/grease, flammable liquids, newspapers, paint, and cleaning solutions.

Photoelectronic smoke alarms respond first to slow smoldering fires. A smoldering fire generates large amounts of thick, black smoke with little heat and may smolder for hours before bursting into flames. Photoelectronic models are best suited for living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens. This is because these rooms often contain large pieces of furniture, such as sofas, chairs, mattresses, counter tops, etc. which will burn slowly and create more smoldering smoke than flames. Photoelectronic smoke alarms are also less prone to nuisance alarms in the kitchen area than ionization smoke alarms.

Smoke detectors contain radioactive substances. The direct radiation risk from the americium in smoke detectors is generally agreed to be low, while the benefits in terms of saving lives and property is high. The main concern over the use of these detectors is in their disposal. Americium has a half-life of about 450 years and there is always the possibility that these detectors could accumulate in landfill and leach into groundwater and escape into the environment at large. Photoelectronic smoke detectors are more expensive, but do not contain any radioactive components.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors
There are three types of carbon monoxide sensing technologies in common use today, Biomimetic (Gel), Metal-Oxide, and Electrochemical IDR (Instant detection and response).

Biomimetic (Gel) designed to mimic the body's response to Carbon Monoxide. Can take up to 48 hours to reset after exposure to Carbon monoxide, during which time the occupants are unprotected. Because the sensor constantly absorbs Carbon Monoxide, they cannot reset themselves to "0" properly, causing false alarms. Chicago, in 1995 reported thousands of false alarms due to this type of sensor.

Metal-Oxide more accurate than Biomimetic sensors. High power requirements - they have to be plugged into an electrical outlet or hard wired directly to an electrical AC current. Inability to tell if the detector is working properly - there are no available self-diagnostic tests to determine the efficiency or working condition of the sensor. Cross sensitive to gases other than Carbon Monoxide that may be used in your home such as hair spray. Sensor accuracy can drift up to 40% (more or less sensitive) after 6 months of use.

Electrochemical IDR (Instant detection and response) electochemical IDR sensing technology is the most accurate and dependable CO detection technology available to the consumer. Used as an industry standard sensor for professional Carbon Monoxide detection equipment. Instantly detects the presence of Carbon Monoxide. Will not react with other gases. Accurate to within +-3%.

 Earthquake Safety


When you feel an earthquake, duck under a desk or sturdy table. Stay away from windows, bookcases, file cabinets, heavy mirrors, hanging plants, and other heavy objects that could fall.


  • Create a Family Earthquake Plan

  • Know the safe spot in each room, (under sturdy tables, desks, or against inside walls).

  • Know the danger spots, (windows, mirrors, hanging objects, fireplaces and tall furniture).

  • Conduct practice drills. Physically place yourself and your children in safe locations.

  • Learn CPR and first aid.

  • Decide where your family will reunite, if separated.

  • Keep a list of emergency phone numbers.

  • Choose an out-of-state friend or relative whom family members can call after the quake to report your condition. Carry emergency contact cards with out of state contact phone numbers.

  • Develop a portable/auto survival kit for work and travel.



  • Learn how to shut off gas, water, and electricity in case the lines are damaged.

  • Check chimneys, roofs, and wall foundations for stability. Note: If your home was built before 1935, make sure your house is bolted to its foundation. If your home is on a raised foundation, make sure the cripple walls have been made into shear walls. Call a licensed contractor if you have any questions.

  • Secure Heavy Furnishings

  • Secure water heater and appliances that could move enough to rupture utility lines.

  • Keep breakable and heavy objects on lower shelves. Put latches on cabinet doors to keep them closed during shaking.

  • Keep flammable or hazardous liquids such as paints, pest sprays, or cleaning products in cabinets or secured on lower shelves.

  • Maintain emergency food, water, medicine, first aid kit, tools, and clothing.


Safest place in the home: During an earthquake, stay away from heavy furniture, appliances, large panes of glass, shelves holding heavy objects, and masonry veneer (such as the fireplace). These items tend to fall or break and can injure you. Usually, a hallway is one of the safest places if it is not crowded with objects. Kitchens and garages tend to be the most dangerous. Also, know the safest place in each room. It will be difficult to move from one place to another during a severe earthquake.

Exits and alternative exits: Always know all the possible ways to exit your house and workplace in emergency situations. Try to discover exits that would only be available to you in an emergency.


Elderly, disabled, or persons under medication: These people may have difficulty moving around after an earthquake. Plan to have someone help them to evacuate if necessary. Also, they may need special foods or medication. Be sure to store several days' supply of these special provisions.

Persons who don't speak English: People who cannot speak English often rely on their family or friends for information. If they are separated during an earthquake, they may need help. Prepare emergency information cards, written in English, indicating identification, address, and special needs.

Pets: After an earthquake, you should be concerned with your own safety before taking care of your pets. Storing extra food and water for pets is always a good idea. Keep them in a secure place at home after an earthquake. If you are evacuated, they will not be allowed at the emergency shelter.


Police and Fire: Know the locations of the nearest police station. Be aware that local fire stations will probably be empty and locked up for days after a major earthquake.

Shelter and medical care: After a damaging earthquake, emergency shelters and temporary medical centers will be set up in your community. Contact your local and state Office of Emergency Services to find out the plans for your area.

Community Plans: Know your neighbors and their skills. You may be able to help each other after an earthquake. Also know where to go to help your community after a disaster. It may be days before outside emergency assistance arrives. It is important to help each other.


Plan to reunite: Make a plan on where and how to unite family members. Choose a person outside the immediate area to contact if family members are separated. Long distance phone service will probably be restored sooner than local service. Remember, don't use the phone immediately after an earthquake, and make local calls only for emergencies.

Plan Responsibilities: There will be many things to take care of after an earthquake. Make a plan with your family, friends, and neighbors assigning specific responsibilities to each person. Remember that it may be difficult to get around after an earthquake, so each person's tasks should be related to where they may be.

Develop a message drop: You need to identify a secure location outside your home were family members can leave messages for each other. This way, if you're separated and unable to remain in your home, your family will know where to go to find you. You don't want to publicize that you are not at home. That is why this location should be secure and discrete (i.e. under a paving stone, inside a tin can, in the back yard, etc).

Information obtained from the Los Angeles City Fire Department's Earthquake Preparedness Handbook

Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country Handbook
Earthquakes are inevitable, but the damage from earthquakes is not. We can construct buildings that will not fall down and bridges that will sway, not break. On a personal level, we can secure computers and water heaters to keep them from breaking, install safety glass, and keep heavy objects away from our beds. We can store water and practice family safety plans to overcome fear and better cope with the aftermath of earthquakes. The lesson of the last decade of earthquakes is that you can make your home, your workplace, and your family safer.

Stop by the fire prevention office, Building 1453, and pick up your own copy of "Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country" handbook.

 Public Training

The Fire Department offers various training classes available to Marines, Sailors, and Civilian Employees at the Combat Center.

Fire Warden Program
The fire warden program is directed by Marine Corps Order P11000.11B - 5009 and provides training to help execute the fire prevention program. Fire wardens are responsible for the day to day fire prevention regulations within their designated building and facilities. Classes are open to all Marines, Sailors, Civilian Employees at the Combat Center. For enrollment contact fire prevention at extension 5239.

Fire Extinguisher Training
Training classes are provided to satisfy the annual requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) CFR 1910.157(g) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1:20-2.2, 1:21-2.2.

Class consists of 1 hours of lecture and 1 hour of hands on training in use of different fire extinguisher types used aboard the Combat Center.

Classes are open to all Marines, Sailors, Adult Dependents, and Civilian Employees at the Combat Center. For enrollment contact fire prevention at extension 5239.

Child Caregivers
A 2.5 hour training class is instructed by the fire prevention office to satisfy Marine Corps Order 1710.30C, Sec as part of the child caregivers orientation evolution on fire prevention, protection, emergency evacuation, and safety procedures.

 Building Construction

The Fire department is tasked to reviews and approves all plans and specifications for construction, repair, and alterations to buildings and facilities aboard MCAGCC by direction of MCO P11000.11B. Permits are also required for various operations in building construction projects.

Fire protection Plan Review
Marine Corps Order P11000.11B, paragraph 5003, Qualified fire prevention personnel shall review and approve all plans and specifications for construction, repair, and alterations to buildings and facilities. This includes self-help projects.

Marine Corps Order P11000.11B, paragraph 5005, High fire hazard activities shall be regulated through a permit system. All precautions specified by the fire permit shall be employed to minimize the risk of high fire hazard activities.

Hot Work
A permit for all hot work that has an open flame, arcs, or sparks requires a permit. This includes hot tar kettles.

Open Burning
Any type of open burning requires a Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District (MDAQMD) Rule 444 burn permit issued by the fire prevention office. Permits are only issued for allowable burn days determined by the MDAQMD. Examples of the types of open burning are Tumble Weeds, Top Secret or Classified papers, Tree Trimmings or Weeds, etc. Call the fire prevention office for additional information at extension 5239.

Contractor Operations
Marine Corps Order P11000.11B, paragraph 5008, Fire prevention personnel shall attend preconstruction meetings to coordinate fire prevention requirements with installation contractors. All construction projects, repair and maintenance work, and service contract work shall be monitored by fire prevention personnel. Unsafe conditions shall be reported promptly to the contracting officer for corrective action.

 Fire Inspections

Fire prevention personnel manage the inspection program and inspect target hazards. Fire prevention personnel report and ensure prompt correction of fire hazards as part of the installation hazard abatement plan.

 Fire Codes and Regulations

The Marine Corps has adopted the enforcement of NFPA codes and standards and the Department of Defense Unified Facility Criteria 1008C (MCO P11000.11B).

 Fire Investigation

All fires at MCAGCC are investigated by the fire department to determine origin and cause. Information obtained from investigations are used to reveal lessons learned to support local fire prevention and protection measures and improvements.

Hazardous MaterialsThe department operates a hazardous materials response team with class "A" entry capability. Members of the team are California state hazardous materials technicians. This is another Marine Corps first, starting at MCAGCC.

Emergency Medical Service
The department operates the emergency response ambulances aboard MCAGCC. We have paramedics that provide advanced life support. in fact, MCAGCC is the Marine Corps pioneer in providing emergency ambulance services that other departments are following.

Search and Rescue
The department operates an urban search and rescue team, California State medium classification. Team members are California state rescue systems one certified.

Fire Chief 760-830-7770
Deputy Fire Chief 760-830-5400
Administration 760-830-5239
Division of Emergency Management 760-830-4764
Non-Emergency Fire Dispatch 760-830-6871
Assistant Chief of Operations 760-830-6591
Division Chief of Training 760-830-4972
Division Chief of EMS 760-830-5659
Fire Station 451 760-830-6677
Fire Station 452 760-830-7879
Fire Prevention / Community Risk Reduction Chief 760-830-4791
Fire Prevention / Community Risk Reduction Inspectors 760-830-6995
FAX 760-830-5587
Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 6004, MAGTFTC
Twentynine Palms, Ca. 92277-6004


911 is the emergency number used throughout MCAGCC for reporting emergencies requiring Fire, Police or Medical assistance.

In the event of a 911 systems failure or malfunction, the following is our alternate emergency number that will directly connect you to our emergency 911 dispatcher.

(760) 830-3333
(760) 830-FIRE (3473)

801 military housing residents and off base residents, DIAL 911 in the event of an emergency and you will be connected to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Dispatcher who will transfer your call to the appropriate emergency services agency.

Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms