Chris "Taco" Padilla, fighter, Hardbody MMA, strikes Kenny Wyckoff, fighter, Fight Ugly MMA, during Summer Fight Night V at Del Valle Field, June 20, 2014. "This was my first time in Twentynine Palms," Padilla said. "Fighting for the service members is an honor. They're the reason we are here." - Chris "Taco" Padilla, fighter, Hardbody MMA, strikes Kenny Wyckoff, fighter, Fight Ugly MMA, during Summer Fight Night V at Del Valle Field, June 20, 2014. "This was my first time in Twentynine Palms," Padilla said. "Fighting for the service members is an honor. They're the reason we are here."
Sgt. Juan Ramos, heavy equipment mechanic, 3rd Combat Engineer Battalion, shares an embrace with his daughter, Zuly Ramos, 8 months old, during a slow song at the "Princess of the Castle" event Feb. 7, 2014, hosted at the Officers' Club. This event is the first of its kind for 3rd Combat Engineer Battalion. - Sgt. Juan Ramos, heavy equipment mechanic, 3rd Combat Engineer Battalion, shares an embrace with his daughter, Zuly Ramos, 8 months old, during a slow song at the "Princess of the Castle" event Feb. 7, 2014, hosted at the Officers' Club. This event is the first of its kind for 3rd Combat Engineer Battalion.
Students from Condor Elementary School get hands-on at the Obleck Station during Condor Elementary's Science Night, Feb. 5, 2014. The station taught children about the effects of pressure on certain substances. - Students from Condor Elementary School get hands-on at the Obleck Station during Condor Elementary's Science Night, Feb. 5, 2014. The station taught children about the effects of pressure on certain substances.
Pfc. Hali Hall, student, Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School, makes slime with children during the Science Night at the Lifelong Learning Library Jan. 23, 2014. Hall's station demonstratedhow slime is made with the chemical reaction of food coloring, Borax and water. - Pfc. Hali Hall, student, Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School, makes slime with children during the Science Night at the Lifelong Learning Library Jan. 23, 2014. Hall's station demonstratedhow slime is made with the chemical reaction of food coloring, Borax and water.
Sebastian Pereria, 8, son of Jose Pereria, crafter, Marine Corps Exchange, gets a firm grip on a rock during the Climbing Wall Family Night at the Combat Center's West Gym, Jan. 17, 2014. - Sebastian Pereria, 8, son of Jose Pereria, crafter, Marine Corps Exchange, gets a firm grip on a rock during the Climbing Wall Family Night at the Combat Center's West Gym, Jan. 17, 2014.
Marines with 2nd Battalion, 4th Marine regiment, sit in an MV-22 Osprey as it takes off for their Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel exercise at the Combat Center July 31, 2011. They partnered with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 362 crews, from Marine Corps Air Station New River, N.C., for the mission. - Marines with 2nd Battalion, 4th Marine regiment, sit in an MV-22 Osprey as it takes off for their Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel exercise at the Combat Center July 31, 2011. They partnered with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 362 crews, from Marine Corps Air Station New River, N.C., for the mission.