Volunteers Meredith Plummer, left, and Marsha Cole top off Pfc. James Coleman's plate with cranberry sauce during Roughley Manor Bed and Breakfast's fifth annual Thanksgiving dinner for Combat Center personnel in Twentynine Palms. The Plant City, Fla., native was among 100 Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School students treated to a traditional Thanksgiving meal on the holiday. (Official USMC photo by Kelly O'Sullivan/Released) - Volunteers Meredith Plummer, left, and Marsha Cole top off Pfc. James Coleman's plate with cranberry sauce during Roughley Manor Bed and Breakfast's fifth annual Thanksgiving dinner for Combat Center personnel in Twentynine Palms. The Plant City, Fla., native was among 100 Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School students treated to a traditional Thanksgiving meal on the holiday. (Official USMC photo by Kelly O'Sullivan/Released)