The family of Robert E. Bush and command staff with Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command Twentynine Palms pose for a photo - The family of Robert E. Bush and command staff with Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command Twentynine Palms pose for a photo at the Robert E. Bush Naval Hospital, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California, March 13, 2023. The family of Robert E. Bush came to visit the medical center of his namesake and was shown the facility functions and memorabilia. (US Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Jonathan Willcox)
Firefighters examine a burned vehicle - Firefighters with the Combat Center Fire Department, examine a burned vehicle at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, Calif., Oct. 6, 2020. The vehicle fire, raging 300 feet from Robert E. Bush Naval Hospital, was quickly extinguished before causing extensive damage to the adjacent vehicles. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Shane T. Beaubien)
A simulated active shooter aims a fake weapon during an Active Shooter Full Scale Exercise at Robert E. Bush Naval Hospital, aboard Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twetynine Palms, Calif., May 16, 2017. The exercise allowed for the naval hospital, Provost Marshals Office, Fire Department and Naval Criminal Investigative Service to practice and assess their ability to detect, identify and respond to an active shooter incident, validating emergency response procedures. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Thomas Mudd) - A simulated active shooter aims a fake weapon during an Active Shooter Full Scale Exercise at Robert E. Bush Naval Hospital, aboard Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twetynine Palms, Calif., May 16, 2017. The exercise allowed for the naval hospital, Provost Marshals Office, Fire Department and Naval Criminal Investigative Service to practice and assess their ability to detect, identify and respond to an active shooter incident, validating emergency response procedures. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Thomas Mudd)
Tyler Ammerman, student, Twentynine Palms High School, practices stick welding with Leslie Hundley, welder, Exercise Support Division, during the Job Shadowing Event aboard Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, Calif., Feb. 2, 2017. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Thomas Mudd) - Tyler Ammerman, student, Twentynine Palms High School, practices stick welding with Leslie Hundley, welder, Exercise Support Division, during the Job Shadowing Event aboard Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, Calif., Feb. 2, 2017. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Thomas Mudd)
Navy corpsmen give students of Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School influenza vaccines during the Naval Hospital Twentynine Palms point of dispensing exercise at building 1661, Nov. 6, 2016. The exercise trains the corpsman on how to quickly and efficiently distribute vaccines during a pandemic. (Official Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Thomas Mudd/Released) - Navy corpsmen give students of Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School influenza vaccines during the Naval Hospital Twentynine Palms point of dispensing exercise at building 1661, Nov. 6, 2016. The exercise trains the corpsman on how to quickly and efficiently distribute vaccines during a pandemic. (Official Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Thomas Mudd/Released)
A Marine with the Headquarters Battalion football team evades players from the Robert E. Bush Naval Hospital Twentynine Palms and Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School’s joint team during the Marine Corps Community Services Sports hosted Football Jamboree at Felix Field, Sept. 14, 2016. The event is held annually and functions as a pre-season game for the Intramural Tackle Football League. (Official Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Medina Ayala-Lo/Released) - A Marine with the Headquarters Battalion football team evades players from the Robert E. Bush Naval Hospital Twentynine Palms and Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School’s joint team during the Marine Corps Community Services Sports hosted Football Jamboree at Felix Field, Sept. 14, 2016. The event is held annually and functions as a pre-season game for the Intramural Tackle Football League. (Official Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Medina Ayala-Lo/Released)