Spouses of Twentynine Palms Area Kickball Association engaged in some friendly competition during a kickball game at Felix Field aboard the Combat Center, March 15, 2015.
According to Jennifer Madden, STPAKA commissioner, native of Franklin, Ind., the program provides a means for military spouses to get outside, build bonds with the community and improve their health through exercise.
“This is our first season and our third Sunday playing,” Madden said. “It‘s open to spouses of Marine and Navy personnel aboard the Combat Center.”
The association currently has more than 70 spouses participating, who are divided into five teams based on to what unit their husband is assigned. The teams are the Lady Coyotes, the Lady Spartans, the Crash, the First Ladies and the Grass Stains.
“Its basic baseball or softball rules with a few changes,” Madden said. “It’s kickball. If you don’t throw a few rules into the game, then it’s too easy.”
One example of the modified rules is that each player must hold a cup of water while running bases, without spilling any in order to score points.
The spring season started March 1 and is scheduled to conclude April 15. The five teams will participate in a tournament April 12 at Felix Field.
“Unit camaraderie is a big thing,” Madden said. “We should know each other if our husbands are working together, and it’s a great way to get out, get some exercise and meet new people.”
For additional information contact Madden at 317-213-0778.