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Kylie Scott, 5, daughter of Cpl. Joseph Scott, range maintenance man, 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, participates in carnival games during Lincoln Military Housing’s ‘Back to School’ carnival at Lincoln Sports Field, Aug. 21, 2015. LMH and Marine volunteers also served free funnel cake, pretzels, hamburgers, hot dogs, soda, and water. (Official Marine Corps photo by Pfc. Levi Schultz/Released)

Photo by Pfc. Levi Schultz

LMH hosts ‘back to school’ carnival

23 Aug 2015 | Pfc. Levi Schultz Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms

With the 2015 school year beginning Monday, Lincoln Military Housing celebrated with Combat Center families with a ‘Back to School’ carnival at Lincoln Sports Field, Aug. 21.

According to Monalisaleilani Atuatasi, program coordinator, LMH provided free food and beverages for more than 3,000 patrons during the event. LMH and Marine volunteers served funnel cake, pretzels, hamburgers, hot dogs, soda, and water as the attendees enjoyed various rides and played carnival games.

Throughout the festivities, LMH raffled off backpacks filled with school supplies. The Provost Marshal’s Office volunteered Daren the Drug Abuse Resistance Education Lion and McGruff the crime fighting dog, who handed out pencils and stickers while posing for photos with children preparing for the new school year.
Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms