
Combined Arms Command and Control Training Upgrade System - CACCTUS

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Twentynine Palms, California
Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command and Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center

Once FiST teams have their basic internal procedures practiced, company level units and higher must integrate the fire support and air control planning together. CACCTUS is the venue for combined arms training at the staff level.

CACCTUS uses an entity level simulation called OneSAF to generate battlefield forces. Marines train using a three dimensional viewer that allows them to train in a virtual environment just as they would in the field.

In CACCTUS, Marines can build complex fire and maneuver packages and submit them to battalion and regimental staffs for approval. Thus, the unit FSCC and DASC train in clearance of missions, coordination of air and fire planning, and control of maneuver in conjunction with supporting arms. Often associated only with Integrated Training Exercise (ITX) preparation, CACCTUS is open to tenant and visiting units to challenge staffs in the art of combined arms.

Units should plan to spend at least one day in CACCTUS, allowing time for preparation, exercise conduct, and debriefing.

  • FiST Supporting Arms Training.

  • Staff control and coordination of combined arms.

  • FSCC and DASC integration.

  • Integration of supporting arms packages with maneuver.

Mainside, Building 1350, TTECG: 50 individuals.

Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms