
Combat Center News

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Twentynine Palms, California
Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command and Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center

Cpl. Walter Pilkington, a radio operator with Company A, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, prepares his radio in the morning hours of Oct. 2 before taking part in a battalion clear of the Combat Center’s military operations in urban terrain facility at range 215. The Marines and sailors learned census patrols as part of the exercise, which are everyday occurrences in Iraq, and involve patrolling and going house-to-house in order to gain a better knowledge of the local community and surroundings, as well as honed their skills in “precision violence,” which is the idea of isolating a threat and dealing with that threat while specifically minimizing collateral damage.::r::::n::::r::::n:: - Cpl. Walter Pilkington, a radio operator with Company A, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, prepares his radio in the morning hours of Oct. 2 before taking part in a battalion clear of the Combat Center’s military operations in urban terrain facility at range 215. The Marines and sailors learned census patrols as part of the exercise, which are everyday occurrences in Iraq, and involve patrolling and going house-to-house in order to gain a better knowledge of the local community and surroundings, as well as honed their skills in “precision violence,” which is the idea of isolating a threat and dealing with that threat while specifically minimizing collateral damage.::r::::n::::r::::n::

Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms