
Re-up money

13 Jul 2012 | LCpl. Ali Azimi Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms

One of the Commandant’s priorities is keeping the skills of experienced Marines and Marine leaders to sustain the strength and effectiveness of the Marine Corps. The Selective Reenlistment Bonus program offers Marines willing to reenlist additional benefits to staying in active duty.


The first-term reenlisting Marines are eligible for the SRB program after July 1, 2012, and career Marines after Oct. 1, 2012. This includes any first-term or career Marines reaching their end of current contract between Oct. 1, 2012, and Sept. 30, 2013, per MarAdmin 375/12.

The program offers different amounts of bonuses depending on the Marines’ grade upon their date of reenlistment, military occupational specialty they are reenlisting in and the number of months of additional obligated service. No SRB payment will exceed $90,000.

SRB amounts are capped at 48 months of service, meaning 49 months of service will not receive a larger bonus. The minimum months of obligated service to receive SRB stands at 36 months. Anyone who is reenlisting for an additional 36-47 months of service may be eligible to receive a reduced bonus.

The SRB may also be suspended due to boat space within the specified MOS and reenlistment authority will not include SRB once retention requirements are met. The end of current contract, rather than the end of active service date, will determine SRB eligibility.

Prior service Marines looking to reenlist may also be eligible for the Broken Service SRB program, giving them a bonus as they work toward joining active service. The program is suspended during the rest of fiscal year 2013 but may be activated due to retention needs. Marines must have less than a 4-year break in order to be eligible.

For more information about the SRB or BSSRB refer to MarAdmin 357/12.

Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms