The CCS is a convoy trainer consisting of six tactical vehicle mockups inside a 360-degree wrap around screen.
Since the CCS vehicles are all inserted into the same virtual environment, the actions of the HMMWV driver in one CCS unit will be reflected onto the screens in the other units. This provides a much richer/realistic experience for all Marines.
The CCS uses the Firearms Training System (FATS) Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer (ISMT) weapon systems. The trainer provides opportunities to practice physical vehicle maneuvering in and around the roads/intersections during convoy movement and allows for opportunities to exercise quick reaction drills to simulated IED events as well as the exercise of convoy command and control.
This simulation compliments other simulations such as VBS3, but provides for a more immersive experience than similar training conducted on flat screen computer monitors.
Users should bring their Flak, Kevlar, 782 gear and anything else that they would normally wear during convoys.
Scenarios typically run 1 to 2 hours, depending on mission type.
Marines who plan to participate in convoy operations.
Teaches command and control as well as verbal coordination between convoy vehicles during stressful situations.
Teaches immediate action drills when a unit in the convoy encounters an IED or other adverse conditions such as sniper or RPG attack.
Camp Wilson Simulation compound: up to 30 Marines. Scenarios typically run 1 to 2 hours, depending on mission type.