Forward Observer Personal Computer Simulation (FOPCSIM) is a first person three dimensional virtual environment that allows an individual Marine to train the techniques of call for indirect fire.
The simulation works as a stand-alone application that leads the Marine through the various procedures with instruction and practical application. Marines learn the basic call for fire and the more advanced variations.
Using the simulation’s virtual environment, Marines can see their mission as rounds on the deck. From that point, Marines gain experience in the adjustment process.
FOPCSIM features the full range of tools available to the forward observer from binoculars to range finders. For the inexperienced forward observer, FOPCSIM is the perfect starting point.
Training time on this software is very much dependent on individual prior experience with indirect fire. Units should plan for a minimum of two training sessions for about two hours each and then judge progression from there.
Call for fire procedures for indirect fire.
Mainside, Building 1655 Classroom: 26 individuals.
Camp Wilson trailer 5501T6: 29 individuals.
Unit DVTE: 32 individuals.